I am off to Buenos Aires tomorrow and theres no food in the apartment.
Stangely at the moment I have finally got my bearings here in Rosario; I am going to leave for a month. I know where to buy the bread I like, and where to buy the good deli meat. I know the guy at the kiosco counter in the center who always asks me about my boyfriend when I buy bus cards. I have a hostel where I know all the staff and play games of ping pong in the back against all the new gringos to town. I know the store where I like to look at the ridiculously expensive Argentenian clothes that isnt tacky. I have a salon where I know the girls and they ask me weekly about my outings with Manuel and what its like to live with him. My weekends have been surprisingly busy over the past month. I know where to buy the organic beer I like. I know the route I take to get to the park to run and that it takes me exactly fifteen minutes each way walking. I know when I take the bus from my neighborhood, it will take me about twenty minutes to get to the center; on the 122 or 143. And I know all the routes and stops they make along the way. I know nothing is open between the hours of 3:30 until 5:30 and theres only one spot in the neighborhood open on Sundays. I know where I like to go out at night. I know where I can play pool or bowling and eat a good pizza. And my apartment feels more like home every day....
And still, tomorrow I will move into an apartment for about five weeks in Recoleta in Buenos Aires and I will have to do this whole thing over again there. If you dont know already, I am doing a TEFL course in BA for four weeks. By the end of the intensive four weeks, I will be certified to teach English and then have access to all the alumni association and can supposedly get a job wherever I want. So the program starts June 8th and the school is right in the area where I will be living. Not exactly sure who I will be living with yet, three other girls, but since I found the apartment on Craigslist from another Cali girl, I am not that worried. There are way too many of us Cali people in BA...
So I am hoping the next month is good... I am actually excited to have classes and a schedule and structure. Man, I miss school. So it should be interesting and busy and new - which is just the way I like it. Thats it for now, news wise and all.
Oh, I will add that Ryan - my travel bud from months back - will be landing in LAX on wednesday and heading back the real world in Los Angeles. Im sure hell be fine, since hes got a lot to fall back on after ending the trip. :) Good luck Ry. Who would have thought that I would be the one to outlast him - I always thought it would be the other way around. Oh well. Maybe I will be back in the states for Thanksgiving or something.... :)
Bueno, tengo que armar mi mochilla y pensar bien lo que voy a llevar. Espero que tengo bastante lugar. no pasa nada. Y ademas, nada. Vamos a Capital.
I love your description of life in Rosario. It really sounds like you've built up a life there. I'm sure it's hard to leave. But I bet you're going to have the best time in BA. Enjoy yourself. Study hard! Can't wait to visit soon! Love you!
Can't wait to see what your life is like in Rosario after your description. But new adventures await in Buenos Aires. Who would have thought you would become a teacher. Mucho gusto!
Querida Jenna...te deseo lo mejor en tu nueva experiencia..como veras la vida siempre esta llena de sorpresas...buena suerte y que todo salga bien...besitos..Ana
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