Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the 9-5

My feet hurt.
So after much hard work and bitching, I have finally and successfully, joined the work force of Rosario. I am employed, unofficially at the moment - I am in the process of getting my work visa, so then it will be more official - by Excalibur. The restaurant of the four-star hotel....drum roll......the Holiday Inn Rosario.
The job, so far, seems to include very long hours - 8 hours a day, very little days off - one to two days per week...I have 6 francos (days-off) for the entire month, and very little pay. I am in a third world country. (I forgot to mention though, I will have great medical coverage.) My salary will be 1400 pesos per month, not including tips - people don't really tip here, so I really don't have much expectations for that.
The people so far are pretty jovial and nice - the staff is huge, about 70 people, which is way more than they need. And I think the people are mostly jovial because it tells you in the intro-packet to always wear a smile and have cara-dura, which translates to without embarassment. I am supposed to work without ever being embarassed to ask anything or do anything. Supposedly.
But I am getting way ahead of myself, by complaining already. :) I like having a job and something to keep me busy outside the house. I now have people of my own which is a good thing. And I am going to try to get mostly night shifts, which are way busier and much more fun, so I wont have to wake up every morning at 6 or 7. I am a terrible morning person - especially when I have to put on a smile and charming personality. And so far, it has yet to bother me, that all the guests, upon discovering that I am a yankee, always ask what the hell I am doing in Rosario. I haven't really come up with a good answer to that one, but today will only be my third day of work.
And soon enough, after I get to the U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires, I will have a visa and can be in Argentina for a whole year, without problems. Otherwise, while the job has yet to give me time to write, I will get there eventually. Especially since I really only want to work nights. When I work days - it kills my whole day.
So yeah! I have a job and somewhat of a routine. And the whole interviewing process, was not actually in vain afterall! Is that supposed to be a relief?
Anyway, thats the news for now. I am using my few francos this next week, to head to Buenos Aires with Ryan to get my box out of customs, go to the US embassy and sort out my visa, and of course for the RADIOHEAD concert on Tuesday night. Radiohead. Radiohead!
Ryan is coming to Rosario for the weekend to visit, which should be interesting since I have not seen him since November.

"Bienvenidos al Holiday Inn, Rosario. Me Llamo Jenna. Como puedo ayudar?"Sonrisa.


snokim said...

Will you really be there a year? I will miss you too much. But it is good news you got a job.som

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It seems like things are falling into place. I hope you can find time to write. Waitressing can take a lot out of you. And Radiohead!!!! There are no words for that. I'm so jealous! Enjoy.

"Everything in its right place."

Unknown said...

It seems that you didn't find much time to write after this. But look who's talking about writing?
